Namingfolders and files in a consistent, logical and predictable way means that information may be located, identified and retrieved by as quickly and easily as possible. Names should be short but indicative of what the fileincludes.
The firstversion of a document should be labelled version1 within the document. Any majorchanges and the label should be changed to version2 etc.
Confidential, private or sensitive information will be saved in areas of the network where accesslevels are restricted using an employee's username.
Information should be given on where file should be stored, for example, on the server, in which location and whether an externalstoragedevice is required.
Employees should regularlylookthrough their files, folders and emails to ensure that files are in the correctfolder and that files are archived or deleted.
Files should be backed upregularly and staff should know the procedure for this. Some servers may have an automaticback-upprocedure. This means that a back-upcopy is available if information is lost or removed by accident or due to an IT issue.