
Cards (26)

  • Sensorimotor
    Stage of cognitive development where infants use their senses and motor abilities to explore the world
  • Sensorimotor stage

    • Infants use their senses to explore and suck
    • Develop object permanence at 6 months
    • Understand that things still exist even if they can't see them
  • Piaget's theory describes the stages of cognitive development in children
  • Piaget's theory of cognitive development

    Pre-Operational (2-7 years old)
  • Pre-Operational stage

    • Egocentric - think others see the world as they do, cannot imagine the viewpoint of others
    • Symbolic play and thinking
    • Transductive reasoning - don't understand cause and effect
    • Concentrated - can only focus on one aspect of an object at a time
  • Concrete operational stage

    • Age range: 7-12 years old
    • Use concrete objects to apply rules and strategies
    • Can classify the world around them
  • When a piece of research is repeated and collects the similar or same results it’s high in reliability
  • Deindividuation
    When a person loses their sense of Identity because they are part of a gap
  • Plaget collected quantitative and qualitative data In his 3 mountains experiment
  • Left ventromedial Frontal lobe
    The part of phineas gage’s brain that suffered the most damage
  • Compliance
    A person who changes their public but not their private beliefs
  • In Milgrams Study 65% of participants obeyed and gour to the learner
  • Independent groups
    When participants are randomly allocated to groups and their results are compared
  • Situational Factors affecting Obedience
    • Proximation
    • Location
    • Legitimacy
  • mainly acoustic is the encoding For the short term memory
  • The FusiFam Face area is the area of the brain that is associated in prosopagnosia
  • Short term memories only last 18 seconds If we cant rehearse the Information
  • An example of an Inhibitory neurotransmitter Is GABA
  • standardised procedures= The Set list of Instructions that allows replication and Incrasses objectivity
  • 53 People took part in Gunderson's study
  • out Forebrain Splits into two hemispheres after 5 weeks of development
  • social support decreases conformity
  • brain lateralisation is when brain activity is associated with separate hemispheres
  • The pupose of the medulla oblongata is to maintain voluntary actions to keep us alive
  • peterson and peterson used 24 Participants when studying the duration of the short term memory
  • If a person has greater independence and less reliance on others opinions, they have an internal locus of control