media rep lack reality of social and economic conditions, they acknowledge that the rep of women have changed significantly for the better.
Some note women's progress as media professionals has slowed down
Strength of liberal feminist view
they view that the media can promote gender equality by challenging stereotypes and increasing the rep of women in positions of power and influence
Weakness of liberal feminist view
the belief that increasing the representation of women in the media will automatically lead to greater gender equality overlooks the need for a deeper critique of the medias role in perpetuating patriarchal norms
Marxist Feminist View
The roots of stereotypical images of women and men in the media are economic. They are a by-product of the need of media conglomerates in capitalist societies to make a profit.
traditional hegemonic images of femininity are deliberately transmitted by a male-dominated media to keep women oppressed into a narrow range of roles = creates a form of false consciousness in women and deters them from making the most of opportunities available and mens patriarchal power is rarely challenged
What do radical feminists focus on
Male gaze in media representation, which reinforced patriarchal power and dynamics and objectifies women
What do radical feminists view gender inequality as a result of
institutional norms and values which are perpetuated by the media
Disadvantage of radical feminist view
the view that media solely reinforces patriarchal norms may overlook potential for media to challenges these norms and promote greater gender equality
What does Gauntlett focus om
relationship between mass media and identity and argues that the mass media today challenge traditional definitions of gender and are actually a force for social change
What does Gauntlett say about men's media
there has been a new emphasis in mens media on men's emotions and problems, which has challenged masculine ideals such as toughness and emotional resistance. As a result the media are now providing alternative gendered images and ideas = producing a greater diversity of choice for people in constructing their gender identities
What is the social construction of gender (Gauntlett)
the idea that gender roles and norms are not biologically determined, but are shaped by cultural and social factors
media plays a key role in reinforcing and perpetuating these gender roles and norms