Businesses constantly have to come up with new products and services to satisfy the needs of consumers. This can only be achieved if they do not limit themselves to thinking out of the box but think as if there is no box
A problem solving and decision-making tool that helps the business to weigh up the pros (forces for) and cons (forces against) implementing a new idea or project
There is more often than not, more than one correct answer to solving a problem, but if people resist voicing their ideas, a possible solution cannot even be considered
Routine thinking or logical thinking is important when a decision is made about which idea to implement. But when the ideas are generated, logic may be overrated
Managers may stop subordinates from being creative if they constantly send a message of "I am superior and if it is not my idea it probably is not a good idea"
Being aware of the concept of Indigenous thinking may help the business to create a competitive advantage by offering a unique product or service to a group of people who may not have thought about this, because it is not part of their way of living