1. Anomalies related to the development of the uterus are caused by abnormal fusion or regression of the caudal paramesonephric ducts. Recall that the caudal segments of the paramesonephric ducts fuse with each other to form the uterus and the upper vagina.
2. Incomplete fusion of these caudal segments leads to the development of duplicated uterus with or without duplicated vagina.
3. The uterine septum, being the transient structure that results from the fusion of these caudal segments, normally regresses. Failure of the uterine septum to regress leads to the development of bicornuate uterus (two uterine bodies and one cervix), a septated uterus,or a cervical atresia.
4. In instances when one paramesonephric duct completely regresses or fails to elongate during embryonic development, this leads to a unicornuate uterus (half a uterus). Although women with paramesonephric duct anomalies can conceive, they have higher rates of spontaneous abortion, premature delivery, and dystocia.