The multiple differences between the male and the female depend primarily on a single chromosome (The Y chromosome) and a single pair of endocrine structures the testes and the ovaries
Of equal importance in male development. DHT in utero causes differentiation of the penis, scrotum and prostate. In adulthood, DHT contributes to balding, prostate growth, and sebaceous gland activity
Androgens are commonly thought of only as male sex hormones, but females also have them, at lower levels. They function in libido and sexual arousal. Androgens are also the precursors to estrogens in both men and women
1. Week 1-6: Primitive gonad arises from genital ridge, identical in both sexes
2. Week 7-8: In genetic males, cortex regresses, medulla develops into a testis. Leydig and Sertoli cells develop and testosterone and mullerian inhibiting substance are secreted. In genetic females, medulla regresses, cortex develops into an ovary. Embryonic ovary does not secrete hormones
It is impossible to distinguish between the male and female gonad. The gonads begin as genital ridges and initially do not contain any germ cells. In the fourth week, germ cells begin to migrate from the endoderm lining of the yolk sac to the genital ridges. Simultaneously, the epithelium of the genital ridges proliferates and penetrates the intermediate mesoderm to form the primitive sex cords. The combination of germ cells and primitive sex cords forms the indifferent gonad
In a male embryo, the XY sex chromosomes are present. The Y chromosome contains the SRY gene, which stimulates the development of the primitive sex cords to form testis (medullary) cords. The tunica albuginea, a fibrous connective tissue layer, forms around the cords. A portion of the testis cords breaks off to form the future rete testis. The remaining cords contain germ cells and Sertoli cells. In puberty, these cords acquire a lumen and become the seminiferous tubules. Located between the testis cords are the Leydig cells which begin production of testosterone in the eighth week
In a female embryo, the XX sex chromosomes are present. As there is no Y chromosome, there is no SRY gene to influence development. Without it, the primitive sex cords degenerate and do not form the testis cords. Instead, the epithelium of the gonad continues to proliferate, producing cortical cords. In the third month, these cords break up into clusters, surrounding each oogonium (germ cell) with a layer of epithelial follicular cells, forming a primordial follicle
In the presence of testosterone, the mesonephric ducts develop to form the primary male genital ducts. They give rise to the efferent ductules, epididymis, vas deferens and seminal vesicles. The paramesonephric ducts degenerate in the presence of anti-Mullerian hormone produced by sertoli cells in the testes
In the female, there are no Leydig cells to produce testosterone. In the absence of this hormone, the mesonephric ducts degenerate, leaving behind only a vestigial remnant - Gartner's duct. The absence of anti-Mullerian hormone allows for development of the paramesonephric ducts, which initially have three parts: Cranial - becomes the Fallopian tubes, Horizontal - becomes the Fallopian tubes, Caudal - fuses to form the uterus, cervix and upper 1/3 of the vagina. The lower 2/3 of the vagina is formed by sinovaginal bulbs
1. Indifferent stage - Mesenchymal cells from the primitive streak migrate to the cloacal membrane to form a pair of cloacal folds. Cranially, these fuse to form the genital tubercle. Caudally, they divide into the urethral folds (anterior) and anal folds (posterior). Genital swellings develop either side of the urethral folds
2. Male - Rapid elongation of the genital tubercle forms the phallus. The urethral folds are pulled to form the urethral groove, which extends along the caudal aspect of the phallus and closes over by the 4th month, forming the penile urethra. The genital swellings become the scrotal swellings, moving caudally to form the scrotum
3. Female - The genital tubercle only elongates slightly to form the clitoris. The urethral folds and genital swellings do not fuse, but instead form the labia minora and labia majora respectively. The urogenital groove remains open, forming the vestibule
1. Testes - As the body of the fetus grows, the testes become more caudal. They pass through the inguinal canal around the 28th week, and reach the scrotum by the 33rd week with the help of the gubernaculum and becomes the scrotal ligament . During their descent, the testes retain their original blood supply
2. Ovaries - The ovaries initially migrate caudally in a similar fashion to the testes from their origin on the posterior abdominal wall. However they do not travel as far, reaching their final position just within the true pelvis. Gubernaculum forms ligaments here.