Female RS

Cards (15)

  • Ovarian function

    The function of the ovaries
  • Female reproductive cycle

    The cyclical changes that occur in the female reproductive system
  • Menstrual cycle phases

    1. Menstrual phase (Day 1 -5)
    2. Follicular phase (Day 1 - 13)
    3. Ovulation phase (Day 14)
    4. Luteal phase (Day 15 to 28)
  • Cervical mucus

    • Stretch cervical mucus
  • Long-Acting Reversible Contraceptives (LARCs)
    • Copper ParaGard IUD
    • Hormonal (progesterone) Mirena IUD
    • Hormonal contraceptive implant (effective for 10, 5 and 3 years, respectively)
  • Other contraception methods

    • Natural family planning
    • Lactation amenorrhea method
    • Spermicides
    • Tubal ligation
    • Vasectomy
  • Follicle Stimulating Hormone (FSH)

    Tropic to gonads, initiates steroidogenesis, stimulates primordial follicles, primes seminiferous tubular epithelial cells
  • Luteinizing Hormone (LH)

    Maturation of ovarian follicle, stimulates migration and bursting of mature follicle, release of ovum, transformation of corpus hemorrhagicum into corpus luteum, progesterone production
  • ICSH (Interstitial Cells Stimulating Hormone)
    Male LH, stimulates production of testosterone from Leydig cells, maturation and transport of sperm
  • HCG (Human Chorionic Gonadotropin)

    LH analogue in pregnancy, produced by trophoblastic-chorionic cells, prolongs life of corpus luteum, continues decidualization of endometrium and placental progesterone production, blocks maternal graft rejection
  • Estrogen

    Hormone of increased mitosis, proliferation, and vascularization of reproductive mucosa, mammary gland development, bone mineralization, stimulation of myometrial contractions, inhibition of gonadotropin secretion
  • Significant actions of estrogen
    • Proliferation of endometrium
    • Development of mammary glands
    • Development of secondary sex characteristics
    • Body fat distribution
    • Bone mineralization
    • Stimulation of myometrial contractions
    • Inhibition of gonadotropin secretion
  • Progesterone

    Hormone of differentiation, specialization, vascularization and functionalization in reproductive system, inhibits oxytocic receptors of myometrium but stimulates lactopoiesis, thermogenic through hypothalamic temperature control centre
  • Significant actions of progesterone
    • Differentiation and development of endometrium to secretory state
    • Decidualization and vascularization of endometrium after conception
    • Blocks maternal graft rejection immune mechanism during pregnancy
    • Inhibition of myometrial contraction during pregnancy
    • Development of vascular and glandular elements of mammary glands
    • Stimulation of lactopoiesis and lactogenesis
    • Thermogenic through hypothalamic control centre
  • Metabolic actions of progesterone
    More anabolic than catabolic, anti-insulin in carbohydrate metabolism, inhibits gonadotropin secretion, increases blood coagulability, Na+ and water retention, elevation of blood pressure