Maturation of ovarian follicle, stimulates migration and bursting of mature follicle, release of ovum, transformation of corpus hemorrhagicum into corpus luteum, progesterone production
LH analogue in pregnancy, produced by trophoblastic-chorionic cells, prolongs life of corpus luteum, continues decidualization of endometrium and placental progesterone production, blocks maternal graft rejection
Hormone of increased mitosis, proliferation, and vascularization of reproductive mucosa, mammary gland development, bone mineralization, stimulation of myometrial contractions, inhibition of gonadotropin secretion
Hormone of differentiation, specialization, vascularization and functionalization in reproductive system, inhibits oxytocic receptors of myometrium but stimulates lactopoiesis, thermogenic through hypothalamic temperature control centre
More anabolic than catabolic, anti-insulin in carbohydrate metabolism, inhibits gonadotropin secretion, increases blood coagulability, Na+ and water retention, elevation of blood pressure