He built an empire on Cusco, called Tawantisuyun (Inca Empire)
What did the Inca call themselves? What did Inca mean?
Inca means ruler
the Incas called themselves Tawantisuyun
Means 4 United Regions/Land of Four Quarters
What made the Inca an empire?
They were conquering other people and taking tribute from them
How many people were living in the Inca Empire prior to its decline?
10 million people
What was the Mit'a system?
it was a system where people under the Inca control had to participate in labor for state projects (for the Inca Empire)
To what extent does your knowledge of the Incas support, challenge, or extend your understanding of how states changed and developed in the Americas over time?
Knowledge of the Incas supports understanding state development in the Americas by showcasing centralization and infrastructure. It challenges with unique aspects like quipu use and no written language
What are unique features of the Inca Empire, and what features seem similar to states in other parts of the world during this era?
Unique Inca Empire features: extensive road network, quipu record-keeping, and mit'a labor system
Similarities: hierarchical social structures, tribute collection, and the utilization of forced labor for monumental construction projects
Quipu is a system of knotted cords used by the Inca Empire for record-keeping, accounting, and communication