M - Militarism: A race to see who can get better weapons and larger armed forces
Countries tried to intimidate each other, would be back up threats with weapons and armies
long term
A - Alliances: When countries agree to become friends, they can trade, support with troops, and declare war with enemies
long term
N - Nationalism: The identification with one's nation and support for its interests , willing to defend it and the belief that the country is destined for greatness
Willing to join the army in support for their own nation
long term
I - Imperialism: Belief in the necessity of building an empire
The more colonies a country has, the more people it can have in its empire
Rich resources, more land, more power
Short Term Cause
A - Assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand June 28, 1914
“Black Hand” terrorists trained in Serbia and seeking Slav independence attacked the ArchDuke while he travelled in an open car to the Sarajevo City Hall
Gavrilo Princip killed him
Britain got involved because they were alliances with France and Russia
Start: August 4, 1914 - when Britain declared war on Germany
End: November 11, 1918 - the day the armistice was signed
The Triple Entente included: Britain, France, and Russia - Later became known as the Allies
The Triple Alliance included: Germany, Austria-Hungary, Italy - Later became known as The Central Powers