lesson 4

Cards (24)

  • Media
    The term we use to refer to different types of media that provide us with important information and knowledge
  • Types of Media
    • Print Media
    • Broadcast Media
    • Media Convergence
  • Print Media
    • Paper and ink is reproduced in a printing process that is traditionally mechanical
  • Types of Print Media
    • Text Media
    • Visual Media
  • Text Media
    A simple and flexible format for conveying ideas, whether handwritten or printed. May also be displayed on-screen as part of broadcast media, multimedia or new media
  • Visual Media
    Pictures, photos, images and graphics used to channel communication using the sense of sight. Visual combined with text are also considered as visual media
  • Broadcast Media
    A type of media that reaches target audiences using airwaves as the transmission medium. Examples are radio and television
  • Types of Broadcast Media
    • Multimedia
    • New Media
  • Multimedia
    Types of broadcast media concerned with the computer-controlled integration of text, graphics, drawings, still and moving images (video), animation, audio, and any other media where every types of information can be recorded and played, displayed, interacted with or accessed by information-processing devices
  • New Media
    A term used to integrate the different technologies emerging on one digital platform to organize and distribute content. Examples: podcasts, augmented reality, video games, blogs, and wikis
  • Media Convergence
    The merging of different equipment and tools for producing and distributing news through digitalization and computer networking. Allows media texts to be produced and distributed on multiple media devices
  • Mass Media
    The various ways, especially television, radio, newspapers, and magazines, by which information and news are given to large numbers of people
  • Media Effects
    The intended or unintended consequences of what the mass media does
  • Media Effects
    • Third-party Theory
    • Reciprocal Effect
    • Boomerang Effect
    • Cultivation Theory
    • Agenda-setting Theory
  • Third-party Theory
    People think they are more immune to media influence than others. Behavioral hypothesis predicts that third-person perception (i.e., seeing others as more influenced) will lead to support for restrictions on media messages
  • Reciprocal Effect
    When a person or event gets media attention, it influences the way the person acts or the way the event functions
  • Boomerang Effect
    Refers to media-induced change that is counter to the desired change
  • Cultivation Theory
    It states media exposure, specifically to television, shapes our social reality by giving us a distorted view on the amount of violence and risk in the world
  • Agenda-setting Theory
    The process whereby the mass media determine what we think and worry about
  • Propaganda
    Ideas or statements that are often false or exaggerated and that are spread in order to help a cause, a political leader, a government, etc.
  • Propaganda manipulates and diverts you from logical analysis of issues
  • Propaganda hides the truth
  • By understanding propaganda, you will be able to protect yourself from deceitful tactics
  • How to Spot Propaganda
    • Distorts and oversimplifies evidence
    • Shows internal inconsistency after examining facts