Cards (6)

  • How did the empire of Ming China raise funds, and what was one big problem with this system?
    • The Ming Empire of China raised funds primarily through agricultural taxes and state monopolies on certain goods such as salt and iron production. One big problem with this system was corruption among local officials, leading to unfair taxation practices and revenue leakage
  • Besides taxing land and production, what other ways could the states in this article collect revenue?
    • States could collect revenue through trade tariffs, tribute from conquered territories, confiscation of property, tolls on transportation routes, and fees for licenses or permits
  • What did taking the title of caliph mean for rulers in the Ottoman Empire and why was this title important?
    • Taking the title of caliph for rulers in the Ottoman Empire symbolized their leadership of the Sunni Muslim community worldwide. Additionally, the title served as a successor for prophet Muhammad. This title was important for asserting religious authority, legitimizing their rule, and unifying the diverse Muslim population under their control
  • Why did Mughal rulers-who ruled much of South Asia—have to be sensitive about making religious claims?
    • Mughal rulers had to be sensitive about making religious claims because South Asia was home to a diverse population with various religious beliefs, including Hindus, Muslims, Sikhs, and others. Making exclusive religious claims could alienate certain groups and undermine the stability of the empire
  • What were some strategies highlighted in this article in which empires used bureaucracies and different sectors of society to help rule?
    • Strategies highlighted in the article include the establishment of bureaucratic systems to govern efficiently, the incorporation of diverse social sectors (such as religious leaders, merchants, and scholars) into the administration, the promotion of cultural and religious tolerance to maintain social cohesion, and the use of propaganda and cultural patronage to enhance legitimacy
  • How did different rulers in different states use culture and religion to enhance their legitimacy in the eyes of their subjects?
    • Different rulers in different states used culture and religion to enhance their legitimacy by patronizing religious institutions, sponsoring cultural events and monuments, adopting symbols of divine authority (such as claiming descent from gods or prophets), and promoting religious tolerance or orthodoxy depending on the prevailing circumstances and beliefs of their subject