factorialexperiments - can be carried out using the between-subjects designs
factorial designs - in which we study two or more IV at the same time
factors - IV in the factorial design
two-factor experiment - simplest factorial design, has 2 IV
2 kinds of results in factorial experiment:
main effects
how does the influence of one IV affect the influence of another in the experiment
main effect - action of a single IV in an experiment, a change in behavior associated with a change in the value of a single IV within the experiment
ANOVA - to test whether the main effects might or might not be important enough to be statistically significant
factorial design - allows us to test for relationships between the effects of different IV
interaction - present if the effect of one IV changes across the levels of another IV
higher-order interactions - when there are more than 2 IV in a factorial experiment, the picture becomes more complex, involve more than 2 variables at a time
design matrix - simple diagram about an experiment
shorthand notation - tells us several things about the experiment it describes