Is the most abundant steroid in the body, insoluble in water (need a water soluble carrier), has methyl CH3- groups, alkyl chain, and -OH attached to the steroid nucleus
Synthetic androgen analogues that promote muscle growth, have the same effect as testosterone but are more stable, used by athletes and body builders but not permitted in competitive sports, prolonged use can cause physical and psychological problems
Because of their long nonpolar C chains, they are very hydrophobic and form protective coatings in plants to prevent loss of water and damage from pests, and in humans and animals to provide waterproof coating on skin and fur
Examples: Keratin is the protein of hair, horns, feathers, and other skin appendages. Insects and spiders use silk fibers to make their cocoons and webs, respectively. Collagen and elastin proteins provide a fibrous framework in animal connective tissues.