1. Tests for presence of aromaticaminoacids (proteins containing aromatic rings)
2. Indication of positive results: Formation of yellowcolor upon the addition of concentrated nitric acid
3. Principle: Nitration of aromatic rings in amino acids or proteins by concentrated nitric acid leads to the formation of yellow-colored nitro compounds, indicating the presence of aromatic amino acids or proteins
2. Indication of positive results: Formation of a brownish-redprecipitate
3. Principle: Wagner's reagent (iodine in potassium iodide) reacts with alkaloids to form insoluble iodine-alkaloid complexes, leading to the formation of the precipitate
2. Indication of positive results: Formation of various color changes (typically ranging from yellow to orange to red) depending on the specific flavonoid present
3. Principle: Flavonoids contain phenolic structures that can undergo dehydration and oxidation reactions when treated with concentrated sulfuric acid, leading to the formation of various colored compounds
2. Indication of positive results: Development of a reddish-browncoloration
3. Principle: The reaction involves the formation of a complex between the terpenoids/steroids and sulfuric acid, leading to the development of the characteristic color
1. Tests for presenceofglycosides, particularly cardiacglycosides
2. Indication of positive results: Formation of redcolor
3. Principle: The reagent (glacial acetic acid and concentrated sulfuric acid) reacts with cardiac glycosides to produce a red color due to the presence of sugar moieties in the glycoside molecule
2. Indication of positive results: Formation of froth upon shaking
3. Principle: Saponins can form stable foam when shaken vigorously due to their amphiphilic nature, which can allow them to interact with water and trap air bubbles