Cards (32)

  • Abrasion - Scrape
  • Puncture - Penetration by sharp objects such as nails
  • Incision - Clean cut made by scalpel an knife
  • Contusion - blow from blunt instruments 
  • Laceration - tissues turn apart such as childbirth
  • Penetrating wound - bullet
  • Pressure ulcers - due to localized ischemia
  • Ischemia - decrease oxygen supply to the tissue
  • Stage 1 - Discoloration
    Stage 2 - Necrosis
  • Inflammatory, proliferative, and Maturation or Remodeling - Phases of Healing
  • Inflammatory phase begins immediately after injury and lasts 3-6 days
  • Hemostasis - cessation of bleeding results from vessel constriction of the larger blood vessels in the affected area, formation of blood clots in the area
  • Phagocytosis - during cell migration leukocytes move into the interstitial space these are placed about 24 hours after injury by macrophages this macrophages engulf microorganisms and cellular debris
  • Exudate - fluid and cells that has escape from the blood vessels during the inflammatory process and deposited on the tissue
  • Serous - consist of serum watery and has few cells
  • Purulent - thicker exudate with pus
  • Sanguineous - large amounts of red blood cell in the exudate
  • Proliferative Phase extends from day three or four to about 21 days post injury
  • Proliferative phase - fibroblast stop the bleeding which migrates into the wound starting about 24 hours after injury begin to synthesize collagen
  • Maturation phase begins on about day 21 and can extend one or two years after the injury
  • Maturation phase - fiber blast continue to synthesize collagen that were initially laid in a half hazard fashion reorganized into a more orderly structure.
  • Reduce liver function can impair the synthesis of blood clotting factors
  • Protein - helps in wound or tissue repair
  • Anti-inflammatory drugs and antineoplastic agents interfere with healing
  • Transparent film - provide protection against contamination and friction
  • Impregnated non adherent - cover suit and protect partial and full thickness wounds without exudate
  • Hydrocolloids - absorbs exudate
  • Clear absorbent acrylic - easy wound assessment
  • Hydrogels - liquefy necrotic tissue rehydrate wound bed
  • Polyurethane foam - absorb up to heavy amount of exudate
  • Alligenates - interacts with exudate to form gelatinous mask
  • Collagen - stopping bleeding and facilitate wound healing