Cards (20)

  • Partial Obstruction - Indicated by low pitched snoring sound during inhalation
  • Complete obstruction - Indicated by extreme inspiratory effort that produces no chest movement
  • Lower airway obstruction - Not easy to observe. Stridor, a high pitch sound maybe heard. 
  • Fowler - 45 - 90 Degrees
  • Semi Fowlers - 30 - 45 Degrees
  • High Fowlers - 60 - 90 Degrees
  • Orthopneic Position - is an adaptation of high fowler's position. Advantage is unlike to high fowlers is that the organs are not pressing the diaphragm
  • Abdominal or Diaphragmatic Breathing - it permits full breathing with little effort
  • Glossopharyngeal Breathing - the client takes several gulf of air 6 to 10 then closing the mouth and the tongue pushes the air back and trap it in the pharynx the air is then force to the lungs where the glossitis is open
  • Pursed-lip breathing - help the client develop control over breathing the client inhales to account of three and exhales to a count of seven
  • Segmental breathing - it is performed on a segment of the lung
  • Lateral basal expansion - may be done unilaterally or bilaterally
  • Posterior Basal Expansion - is important for the post surgical patients whose in bed in a semi reclining position for an extended period of time
  • Apical and basal expansion - required for clients who restrict their upper or lower chest movements because of pain from a severe respiration disease or chest surgery
  • Splinting - minimize pain while moving and coughing
  • Coughing - encourage expectation of mucus and secretions that accumulate in the airways after general anesthesia and immobility
  • Chest Physiotherapy - it is a form of airway clearance therapy that is generally performed by a respiratory therapist with the goal of clearing mucus from the airway and lungs
  • Percussion - sometimes called clapping. To loosen secretion. It is the forceful striking of the skin with cupped hands
  • Vibration - it is a series of vigorous quivering produced by the hands
  • Postural drainage - is the drainage by gravity of secretions from various lung segments