Crust - the dried residue of serum, pus, or blood, e.g. a scab following abrasion; impetigo
Scale - shedding flakes of greasy, keratinized skin tissue, color may be white, gray, or silver, texture may vary from fine to thick, could also be a thin flake of exfoliated epidermis, e.g. dry skin, dandruff, psoriasis
Lichenification - a rough, thickened, hardened area of epidermis resulting from chronic irritation such as scratching or rubbing, e.g. chronic atopic dermatitis
Scar - a flat, irregular area of connective tissue left after a lesion or wound has healed, new scars may be red or purple, older scars may be silvery or white, e.g. healed surgical wound or injury, healed acne
Keloid - an elevated, irregular, darkened area of excess scar tissue caused by excessive collagen formation during healing, extends beyond the site of the original injury, higher incidence in people of African descent, e.g. keloid from ear piercing or surgery