
Cards (13)

  • other rules in life:
    etiquette, law, policy, commandment
  • characteristics of moral standards:
    moral standard involve behaviors that seriously affect other people's well-being, moral standards take a more important consideration than other standards including self-interest, moral standards do not depend on any external authority but in how the person perceive the reasonableness of the action, moral standards are believed to be universal, moral standards are based on objectivity, moral standards are associated with vocabulary that depicts emotions or feelings
  • bases of moral decision: ethics, manners, character, and proper behavior
  • importance of freedom: leads to enhanced expression of creativity and or original thought, increased productivity, and an overall high quality of life
  • situation in which moral dilemma exists:
    there are two or more actions that you can possiby do, there is a moral reason/s for doing such actions. you cannot do all the possible actions presented to you, you only need to choose one
  • causes in moral conflict in personal moral dilemma:
    your own, that of another person, and a group of people's potential harm
  • 3 levels of moral dilemma:
    personal moral dilemma, organizational moral dilemma, structural moral dilemma
  • affected ha organiational moral dilemma:
    some members of the group, company, cooperative, association
  • 4 philosophers:
    immanuel kant, rene descartes, thomas aquinas, peter caruthers
  • characteristic response of instinctive behavior:
    hard-wired, inborn
  • rational behavior set:
    principles, priorities, preferences
  • factors of a good decision:
    one that is made deliberately and thoughtfully, considers and includes all relevant factors, consistent with the individual's philosophy and values, can be explained cleary to significant others
  • opportunities of freedom:
    speak, act, and pursue happiness