Teaching and learning

Cards (22)

  • The learning Process
    1. Unfreezing
    2. Problem Diagnosis
    3. Goal Setting
    4. New Behavior
    5. Refreezing
  • The learning Process
    • It is an integrated, ongoing process occurring within the individual, enabling him to meet his specific aims, fulfill his needs and interests, and cope within the living process
  • Unfreezing
    The individual becomes ready to consider changes in knowledge, skills, attitudes, and behavior
  • Problem Diagnosis
    The forces supporting the need for change and the forces working against the changed needs are identified and presented
  • Goal Setting
    The desired changes in knowledge, skills, attitudes, and behavior are stated specifically
  • New Behavior
    The individual learns and practices those newer knowledge, skills, attitudes and behavior which are desired
  • Refreezing
    The newer learnings have been found to be beneficial and are assimilated into the individuals' ongoing framework of knowledge, skills, attitudes and behavior
  • Characteristics of Learning
    • Learning is Developmental
    • Learning is Interactive
    • Learning is Basic
  • Learning is the core of the teaching - learning process. What the pupil/students learns, however, depends on what the teacher does.
  • The teacher as facilitator of learning
    • Provides the conditions for effective learning
    • Seeks to meet the needs and interests of the learner
    • Helps to create evaluation
    • Places emphasis on the uniqueness and the rights of the individual
    • Seeks feedback which will improve his effectiveness as a facilitator of the learning process
  • Principle of Learning
    • The learner must clearly perceive the goal
    • The learner must psychologically and physiologically ready
    • The learner must be motivated to learn
  • Extrinsic motivation
    It comes in the form of reward and punishment such as grades (high and low ), honors, monetary rewards, medals, disqualification from joining curricular activity, and the like
  • Intrinsic motivation
    Means creating a desire to learn a subject because it knowing
  • Principles on motivating learners
    • Intrinsic motivation is better than extrinsic motivation
    • Goal setting is an important motivational aspect of learning
    • Successful experiences are important motivators
    • Feedback about one's progress can be effective motivation
    • Considering learner's interest is important in classroom learning
    • Reward rather than punishment is a better motivation for learning
    • Meaningful materials and tasks serve as good motivators
    • Success generally increases the level of aspiration and achievement of the learner
    • Teacher's expectations of the learner's performance influence the latter's achievement
  • Principles of Learning
    • The learner must be active not passive for maximum learning
    • The learner must repeat or practice what he has learned in order to remember
    • The learner must put together the parts of a task and perceive it as a meaningful whole
    • The learner must see the significance, meanings, implications, and applications that will make a given experience understandable
    • The learner must be prepared to respond
    • The process of problem solving and learning are highly unique and specific
  • Conditions that facilitate learning
    • Encourage learners to be active
    • Promotes and facilitates the individual's discovery of the personal meaning of ideas
    • In which different ideas can be discussed but not necessarily accepted
    • Consistently recognizes the individual's right to make mistakes
    • In which evaluation is a cooperative process
    • When individuals feel they are respected and accepted
  • Methodology
    The orderly, logical procedure in doing something, more specifically in ways of teaching
  • Method in the Educative Process

    The 3 most important factors are: child, teacher, subject matter
  • Importance of Method
    Methods are important in teaching because they provide structure and guidance for educators to effectively convey information to students. Different methods cater to different learning styles, allowing teachers to reach a diverse range of students. Additionally, using a variety of methods can make learning more engaging and help students retain information better. Good teaching methods also promote critical thinking, problem-solving, and creativity in students, preparing them for success in the future.
  • Meaning of Method
    A mode of procedure, especially an orderly or systematic mode; a way of doing something especially in accordance with a definite plan, an establish way of doing anything, or the means or manner in which something is to be presented or taught
  • Method of Teaching
    Method of Learning
  • Function of Method
    A method, like a function, is a set of instructions that perform a task. The difference is that a method is associated with an object, while a function is not. Method forms the bridge between the child and the subject matter. Also links the child and the society.