Founded by Lao Tzu, his name meaning “the Grand Old Master” who was an archivist for the Imperial Court
The Tao Te Ching the sacred book of Daoism, written by Lao Tzu. According to legend, Lao Tzu was increasingly dissatisfied by the corruption he witnessed in human beings so he decided to leave China. But upon reaching the border riding a water buffalo, Lao Tzu encounters a guard who persuades him to write down and leave behind his most important teachings.
The Dao referred to as “the path” or “the way”. It is the universal principle that underlies everything from the creation of galaxies to the interaction of human beings.
referred to as the great force that moves everything in the universe
the workings of Tao are vast and often beyond human comprehension. In order to understand it, reasoning alone will not suffice. One must also apply intuition.
Wu Wei the principle of non - action, the art of letting things happen
letting nature take its course to avoid chaos
Daoist Ethics Taoist Ethics is less concerned with doing good acts …but in becoming a good person who lives in harmony with all people and all creatures.