Earth and life science

Subdecks (1)

Cards (32)

  • Biological System
    Living things works as a system. They cannot separated from non-living things.
  • Cellular Basis of life
    Cells are the basic of life, denotes that all living things are composed.
  • Interaction with the environment
    Living things cannot live alone, their survival depends on how they interact with the environment.
  • Forms and function
    Organism's structure fit with its function
  • Reproduction and inheritance
    Traits of parents are being passed from one generation to the next generation
  • Regulation/Homeostasis
    Cells of the body are surrounded by a small amount of fluid, and normal cell functions depend on the maintenance of cells fluid environment including temperature, volume, and chemical content.
  • Adaptation
    Living organisms survive dependjng on how one wil adopts to its changing environment.
  • Evolution
    The diversity of life arises by change leading to the present biodiversity that we see.
  • Scientific Inquiry
    The field of science is changing the lives of all organisms through research.