
Cards (23)

  • Reproduction
    • Is one characteristics of life
    • It is a biological process
  • 2 types of reproduction
    Sexual Reproduction
    Asexual Reproduction
  • Sexual Reproduction
    In most species the genetic information is carried on chromosomes in the nucleus of reproductive cells called gametes, which then fuse to form a diploid zygote.
  • Gonads
    Female - Ovaries
    Male - Testicles
  • Gametes
    Female - egg cell
    Male - sperm cell
  • Sexual Reproduction 

    Female - non motile
    Male - motile
  • Fertilization
    Fertilization is defined as the union of two gametes. During fertilization, sperm and egg fuse to form a diploid zygote to initiate prenatal development.
  • 2 types of fertilization
    Internal and external
  • Internal Fertilization 

    When male deposits his sperm directly into the female's body
  • External fertilization 

    the release of both sperm and eggs into an external environment; sperm will fertilize the egg outside of the organism, as seen in spawning.
  • 3 types of internal fertilization
  • Oviparity
    Animals that reproduce by laying eggs
  • Ovoviviparity
    The eggs are hatched inside the mother.
  • Viviparous
    Viviparous animals are those that give birth to offspring
  • Asexual Reproduction
    Absent sexual.
    Doesn't required sperm and egg cells
  • Budding (asexual)

    new organism is developed from a small part of the parent's body.
  • Fission (Asexual)

    During asexual reproduction, the parent cell divides into two or more cells.
  • Fragmentation (asexual)

    an organism is split into fragments upon maturation and the spilted part becomes the new individual
  • Parthenogenesis
    a female can produce an embryo without fertilizing an egg with sperm
  • Types of parthenogenesis
  • Arrhenotoky (parthenogenesis)

    develop into males
  • Thelytoki
    Developed in females
  • Deuterotoky (parthenogenesis)

    Both males and females