Political institution

Cards (13)

  • Political institutions
    The organizations in a government that create, enforce, and apply laws. They often mediate conflict, make (governmental) policy on the economy and social systems, and otherwise provide representation for the population.
  • Political institutions and systems have a direct impact on the business environment and activities of a country
  • A political system that is straightforward and evolving when it comes to the political participation of the people and laser-focused on the well-being of its citizens contributes to positive economic growth in its region
  • Every society must have a type of political system so that it may allocate resources and ongoing procedures appropriately
  • Political System
    Consists of both politics and government and involve the law, economy, culture, and other social concepts
  • Most popular political systems
    • Democracy
    • Monarchy
    • Communism
    • Dictatorship
  • Democracy
    Government by the people; a form of government in which the supreme power is vested in the people and exercised directly by them or by their elected agents under a free electoral system
  • Public
    A form of government where the citizens have the supreme power and they exercise that power of voting and electing representatives to make decisions and govern
  • Monarchy
    A form of government in which one person reigns, typically a king or a queen. The authority, also known as a crown, is typically inherited
  • Communism
    A system of government in which the state plans and controls the economy. Often, an authoritarian party holds power and state controls are imposed
  • Dictatorship
    A form of government where one person makes the main rules and decisions with absolute power, disregarding input from others
  • Functions of a political system
    1. Maintain the integration of society by determining norms
    2. Adapt and change elements of social, economic, and religious systems necessary for achieving collective (political) goals
    3. Protect the integrity of the political system from outside threats
  • Political institution
    sets the rules in which an orderly society obeys and ultimately decides and administers the laws for those that do not obey