Social institutions

Cards (13)

  • Social Institution
    A complex, integrated set of social norms organized around the preservation of a basic societal value
  • Institution (according to Sumner and Keller)
    A vital interest or activity that is surrounded by a cluster of mores and folkways
  • Institution (according to Lester F. Ward)

    The means for the control and utilization of social energy
  • Institution (according to L. Thobhouse)

    The whole or any part of the established and recognized apparatus of social life
  • Institution (according to Robert Maciver)

    Established forms or conditions of procedure characteristic of group activity
  • Institutions
    • Arise and persist because of a definite felt need of the members of the society
    • Come into existence to satisfy vital interests of man
    • Arise because of social demand or social necessity
    • Based on a perpetual want
  • 5 basic institutions
    • Family
    • Government
    • Economy
    • Education
    • Religion
  • 5 Major Functions Performed by Social Institutions
    • Emotional Needs
    • Economic Needs
    • Familial Needs
    • Religious Needs
    • Political Needs
  • Emotional Needs
    Satisfaction of needs like love, affection, hunger, fear, self-preservation, self-gratification, and fear of the supernatural
  • Economic Needs
    Satisfies the material needs of people and for the satisfaction of basic necessities of food, clothing and shelter
  • Familial Needs
    Establishes the institution of marriage and family for the continuation of human species through structured means
  • Religious Needs
    Deals with man's inherent fear of the supernatural and scales with his fear through religious prayers and offerings
  • Political Needs
    Deals with the basic necessity of governing large group of people through formalized means of government and laws