The circulatory and the respiratorysystems are two of the most vital systems in your body. Together, they allow your body to absorb nutrients, take up oxygen, and eliminate carbon dioxide (CO2) and other wastes.
Circulatory system
The body's transport system, carrying blood to and from the heart and the entire body
Respiratory system
Helps you breathe
Disorders of the Respiratory System
A condition in which a person has trouble breathing
One type of ChronicObstructivePulmonary Disease (COPD)
Occurs when certain airsacs in the lungs have been damaged and the alveolar membrane that assists in the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide has depleted
CO, is not expelled properly from the lungs
An obstructive respiratory disorder caused by the inflammation of the airpassage, which narrows the path and blocks the normal flow of air within the respiratory tract
Symptoms include shortness of breath, chesttightness, wheezing, and drycough
Can be triggered by allergicreactions to objects in the environment
A respiratory condition involving the bronchialtubes
Caused by an infection in the air passages of the lungs, which increases the production of mucus and results in severe coughing
Two types: chronic and acute
Chronicbronchitis is characterized by an overactive mucus gland, resulting in the excessive secretion of mucus within the bronchi
A genetic respiratory disorder that results from a malfunctioninggene that causes excessive mucus buildup in the air passages
The accumulation of mucus blocks the airways and results in an infection
Also affects other organs of the body, such as the pancreas
A condition in which immune cells grow granulomas, cellular lumps in any organ of the body that affect mostly the lungs and the lymph nodes in the chest
Caused by geneticmalformation, infection, environmentalfactors, and harmfulsubstances
Occurs when excessliquid accumulates around the pleural layers surrounding the lungs and the chest cavity
Characterized by chestpain, drycough, shortness of breath or inability to breathenormally
May be caused by a viralinfection or other lung conditions like pneumonia, or signify a more serious illness
Inflammation of tissues in the alveoli due to the buildup of fluid in the air sacs
Caused by viruses or bacteria
Common symptoms include excessivecoughing, coughingupblood, breathingdifficulties, fever, sweating, shivering, chest pain, and nausea
Tuberculosis (TB)
An infectious disease acquired by inhaling the particles from the coughs or sneezes of a person with tuberculosis
Caused by a bacterium that primarily damages the lungs, but may affect other parts of the body
Common symptoms include prolongedcoughing, unwantedweight loss, fatigue, fever, and swelling in the neck
Two types: latent (not contagious) and active (contagious)
A chronic respiratory condition that commonly damages the lungs when one inhales asbestos
Symptoms include coughing, shortness of breath, constant wheezing, fatigue, chestpain, and in some cases, swollenfingertips
Fluid accumulates in the air sacs of the lungs, causing difficulty in breathing
May be caused by other respiratory or circulatory diseases
Common symptoms include prolongedcoughing, breathingdifficulties, and chestpain
Occurs when a blood clot forms in an artery in the lungs and obstructs the blood flow
Symptoms include suddendifficulty in breathing, intensechest pain, and a foamy cough
Pulmonary Hypertension
Occurs when the blood vessels in the lungs experience high blood pressure, which can stiffen or damage the vessel
Common symptoms include shortness of breath, fatigue, chestpain, and lightheadedness
The respiratory system is built with protective tissues and a defense system that guard the respiratory tract from invading pathogens.
The body's method of eliminating inhaled dust, mucus, and otherdebris gathered in the lungs
Breathingexercises are recommended for cleaning up the lungs from pathogens.
Disorders of the Circulatory System
A circulatory ailment of the arteries where cholesterol and fat-absorbing cells block the big blood vessels and intervene with the blood supply throughout the body
Can lead to stroke, which may result in permanent disability or untimely death
Symptoms depend on which arteries are affected
Occurs when blood lacks healthy redbloodcells and hemoglobin, resulting in insufficient distribution of oxygen throughout the body
Symptoms include fatigue, paleness, lightheadedness, and shortness of breath
Commonly caused by lack of iron and other vitamin deficiencies
A type of cancer in the blood and the bone marrow that attacks the immune system
Characterized by the presence of immature blood cells and abnormal production of white blood cells
Symptoms include frequentbruising, gum bleeding, tenderness of the bones, highfever, and night sweating
Also known as high blood pressure, occurs when a buildup of cholesterol narrows the path of blood in the arteries, making it harder for the heart to pump blood
Often asymptomatic, but extremely high blood pressure can lead to headaches and nosebleeds
Risk factors include poordiet, smoking, alcohol, obesity, and stress
Coronary Heart Disease
Occurs when the arteries that supply blood to the heart harden and narrow due to cholesterol plaque accumulation
Can lead to heart attack, heart failure, and arrhythmia
Symptoms may not be experienced in early stages, but severe cases cause intense chest pain
Rheumatic HeartDisease
Characterized by inflammation of the inner lining and failure of the heart valve to close
Usually begins with strep throat infection leading to rheumatic fever, which damages heart tissues and valves
Symptoms include shortness of breath, palpitations, and arrhythmia
Congenital HeartDisease
An inborn abnormality in the structure of the heart that develops during the fetal stage
Often caused by illness or infection during the mother's pregnancy
Commonly characterized by shortness of breath and blueness in the nails, signifying lowoxygen and bloodcirculation