
Cards (35)

  • mean
    is the weighted average of the possible values of the random variable x
  • expected value
    is the expected value after several repetitions or trials in the statistical experiment
  • parameter
    is a numerical measure that describes a population
  • statistic
    is a numerical measure that describes a sample
  • variance
    it is the average squared distance from the mean
  • standard deviation
    the square root of the variance
  • normal distribution
    is used if the data is normally distributed
  • Gaussian Distribution

    normal distribution is also known as?
  • Carl Friedrich Gauss
    he discovered normal distribution
  • normal curve
    the bell-shaped curve of a random variable
  • constructing a histogram, computing the measures of central tendency, using the central tendency theorem
    some methods you can use to check whether your data is normal or nah
  • 1. each half is equal to 0.5. the area under the normal curve is 1.

    2. the mean is located at the center.

    3. the mean, median, mode, are all equal

    4. the curve is asymptotic to the x-axis

    5. the curve is unimodel

    6. the curve has inflection points

    7. the corresponding score of the mean in the normal distribution is 0

    8. the value of the population mean dictates the position of the normal curve

    9. the value of the population variance affects the spread of the normal curve

    10. the standard normal values in the x-axis reflects the number of standard deviation from the mean
    10 characteristics of normal distribution
  • normal random value
    are normally distributed continuous values in their original forms such as weight, height, scores, and other continuous measurements
  • standard normal value
    are the standardized scores or values wherein the mean is zero and the standard deviation is one
  • probability
    is the numerical likelihood that a certain event will happen
  • percentage
    converted form of probability, 0% to 100%
  • percentile
    is one of the measures of position, indicating the value below the data points
  • quartile, decile, parameter
    common measures of location
  • case 1
    from the mean to the z-score
  • case 2
    the z-scores are on the same side of the normal curve
  • case 3
    the z-scores are on the different sides of the normal curve
  • case 4
    the shaded region is above or below the z-score
  • Stanley Smith Stevens
    proposed the levels of measurement
  • nominal level
    data in this level are classified into categories
  • nominal level
    Ex. Gender: Male, Female
  • ordinal level
    data in this level are ranked but the degree of difference between them are not determined
  • ordinal level
    ex. rank: 1st, 2nd, 3rd
  • interval level
    the degree of difference between the data can be specified but not the ratio between them
  • interval level
    ex. temperature in celsius scale
  • ratio level
    in this level, data such as scores can be expressed as ratio
  • ratio level
    ex. mass
  • skewness
    is the degree of departure from the symmetry of a distribution
  • karl pearson
    he made skewness
  • skewed to the left or negatively skewed
    a distribution w/ longer tail on the left
  • skewed to the right or positively skewed
    a distribution w/ longer tail on the right