finals orgchem

Cards (30)

  • Alcohol may be represented by the general formula KOH
  • The reactivity of alcohols is mainly attributed to the OH group
  • This functional group has an inherent acid character shown when the hydrogen is released from the OH bond
  • The ease of removal is dependent upon the relative polarization of the OH Bond
  • Hydroxyl
    What functional group defines alcohols?
  • KOH
    Which general formula represents alcohols?
  • Hydroxyl group

    What is the acid character of alcohols attributed to?
  • Fermentation of sugars and starches

    How is ethyl alcohol commonly obtained?
  • ethyl alcohol
    Primary alcohol is commonly known as
  • N-propanol
    Which alcohol is also known as 1-propanol
  • 2 butanol

    Which alcohol is also known as secondary butyl alcohol
  • 2 methyl 2 propanol
    Which alcohol is also known as tertiary butyl alcohol
  • ethyl alcohol.
    It is the alcohol present in the alcoholic beverages.
  • chromatic acid test
    Primary and secondary alcohols may be distinguished from tertiary alcohol by the
  • aldehyde
    Primary alcohols are oxidized to
  • ketones
    while secondary alcohols are oxidized in
  • from orange to green.
    indicated by the change in color of the solution from orange to green.
  • absence of an alpha hydrogen
    Tertiary alcohols are not readily oxidized by the chromic acid because of the
  • lucas test
    To further distinguish the different classes of alcohol, what test is employed
  • alkyl chloride
    Tertiary alcohols react immediately to form an immiscible upper layer of
  • alkyl chloride
    It is insoluble in the medium and causes the solution to become cloudy before it separates as a distinct layer.
  • 5 minutes

    With secondary alcohols, the cloudiness appears after
  • monohydroxy or polyhydroxy alcohols.

    Alcohols may also be classified based on the number of OH groups as
  • glycerol
    An examples of polyhydroxy alcohol
  • glycerol
    The most important triol
  • soap
    glycerol is obtained as a by product from the manufacturer of
  • acrolein test

    Glycerol is detected by what test?
  • pungent color
    Glycerol undergoes dehydration when heated with KHSO4 to form propenol (acrolein) which has a what color?
  • moisturizing agent in cosmetic formulation, in tobacco products, and in foods.
    gycerol is used as a what?
  • alkyl chloride
    Tertiary alcohols react immediately to form an immiscible upper layer of