psychology paper 1

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  • Social Influence
  • What is conformity?

    Yielding to group pressure
  • What is conformity also known as?
    Majority Influence
  • When does Conformity occur?
    An individuals behaviour and/or beliefs are influenced by a larger group of people.
  • Who made reference to three types of conformity?
  • What is the weakest form of conformity?
  • What is Complaince?

    An individual maintains their private views but goes along with the majority publicly in order to gain approval
  • What is Identification?
    Public and Private acceptance of majority influence in order to gain acceptance
  • What is Internalisation also known as?
    True Conformmity
  • What is Internalisation?
    Individuals genuiely adjust their behaviour and opinions of the group
  • How can Internalisation also occur?
    Occurs through minority influence
  • What is Informational Social Influnce? (ISI)
    A motivational force to look to others for guidance in order to be correct
    (Desire to be right)
  • what situation does ISI usually occur?
    Occurs in unfamiliar/ambiguous situations
  • What research supports ISI?
    Jenness and Sherif
  • What was the aim of Jenness' study?
    Investigate people's judgements of jellybeans in a jar was influenced by a group discussion
  • What was tthe procedure for Jenness' Study?
    -Individual (private) estimates of jelly beans in a jar
    -Answer was discussed in a large/small group(s)
    -Group estimates created
    -Participants then made second private estimates
  • What were the results of jenness' Study?
    Second estimate tended to be closer to the group estimate

    It showed that more people are more liekly to conform in an ambigous situatuon
  • What are the Positive Evaluation points of Jenness' study?
    Lab experiment- High Controls
    Standardised procedure- Replicable
    Quick and cheap research
  • What were the Negative Evaluation points of Jenness' study?
    Lab Experiment- Lacks EV (Can't be generalised)
    Ethics- Deception
    (Counter arguement- less deception than other studies- Practical and ehtically sound)
  • What is Normative Social Influnce?
    A motivational force to be liked and accepted by the group
    (Desire to be liked)
  • Why do we have Normative Social Influcence?
    Wanting others to respect them and not reject/ ridicule them
  • What research shows NSI?
  • What are the Positive evaluation point of the explanations of conformity?
    -Research support for both ISI and NSI
  • What are the negative evaluation points for the explanations of conformity?
    - Oversimplified- both process could be involved
    -Individual Differences
    -People who aren't bothered about being liked will be effected differences
  • What was the aim of Asch's Study?
    The degree to which individuals would conform to the majority who gave obviously wrong answers
  • What was Asch's Sample?
    123 American Male Student Volunteers
  • What is an issue with Asch's sample?
    -Small sample
    -Volunteers are different- they were told it was a visual perception test
  • What was the procedure for Asch's Study?
    - 1 naive pp in a group of 7-9
    -Match a standard line with A,B or C
    -12/18 trials were critical
    -Real PP answered last or next to last
    -Unambiguous study
  • What was the conformity rate for Asch's study?
  • How many PPs conformed all the time in Asch's study?
  • What were the post-interview findings in Asch's study?
    -Distortion of judgement- Not sure on accuracy so conformed to majority

    -Distortion of perception- Didn't know answer so actually conformed

    -Distortion of Action- Avoided Ridicule
  • What did the results show in Asch's Study?

    The judgemment of individuals were affected by majority even when obviously wrong
  • Factors effecting conformity
    -Group Size
    -Task Difficulty
  • What percentage was the conformity rate with two confederates in Asch's study?
  • What happened when Asch's study reached to 15 confederates?
    There was no further increase in conformity
  • Who did a meta-analysis to support Asch's study on group size?
    Bond and Smith
  • When did the study show that the conformity rate peaks?
    At 4 or 5 confederates
  • What does Unanimity do to social Influence?
    Conformity rates decline when the majority influence isn't unanimous
  • What is in important factor in unanimity?
    Majority's reduction in agreement rather than an indivdual gives support
  • What was one factor in Asch's Changes to unanimity?
    5.5% from 30%