Create a welcoming and comfortable environment for the interviewer
Obtained informed consent
Informed consent is the voluntary argument regarding a role a person will play in a research study "after" they are fully infotmed
Probing questions
Are used to delve deeply into a topic use probing techniques to encourage the interviewer to elaborate on their responses.
Are typically brief and are designed to clarify
Data collection
Can be understood as a procedure of collecting, analyzing, and gauging the exact insights to do a better research
Is a technique of gathering data whereby you personally watch, interact, or communicate with the subject of yours. It is a systematic data collection approach where researchers use all of their senses to examine people in natural settings or naturally occurring situation.
This happens when a researcher observes the behavior of a group of people in their natural settings. Example: observing the behaviour of students inside a classroom without putting external disturbance to them
Participative observation
This happens when a researcher takes part on the activities of a group of people that they are observing.
Non-naturalistic observation
A type of observation happens when you take your respondents out of their natural environment and put them in an environment of your choice.