
Cards (41)

  • Government Setting
    Dissemination of information to the public about the political or social activities and development projects of the government
  • Private Sector/Organizations Setting
    Inform the public through their representative to help enact change and make decision with mutual understanding
  • Civil Society Setting
    Inform the public with the use researched interviews, validated surveys, and lobby policy advocacies to make recommendations and present programs or projects to the society
  • Schools Setting
    Inform and educate the public with lectures, seminars, trainings, recitations, case studies, research, reports, and presentations
  • Communities Setting Information and education is delivered in a television or radio broadcast, printed or electronic media, memorandum circulars, surveys, and sometimes campaign materials or community bulletins.
  • Common settings in communication:
    • Government Setting Private
    • Sector/Organizations Setting
    • Civil Society Setting
    • Schools Setting
    • Communities Setting
  • Communities Setting:
    Information and education is delivered in a television or radio broadcast, printed or electronic media, memorandum circulars, surveys, and sometimes campaign materials or community bulletins.
  • Communication can be referred to as the act sending and receiving messages by one or more persons that can be distorted by noise which occur within a context, have some effect, and provide some opportunity for feedback.
  • Intrapersonal communication
    The setting refers to "within oneself"
  • Intrapersonal communication
    • Reading your module
    • Messages in your cellphones or FB Messenger
    • Talking to yourself
    • Thinking
    • Silence in response
  • Interpersonal communication
    The setting refers to one person or group interacting with another person or another group without the use of any mechanical device
  • Interpersonal communication
    • Talking to your family
    • Participating in a class discussion
  • Mass communication
    The setting refers to the process by which a complex organization with the aid of multimedia produces and transmits public messages that are directed at large, heterogeneous, and scattered audiences
  • Multicultural communication
    The setting concentrates and focuses on the dynamics of communication across cultures
  • Multicultural communication explores what happens when people of two different cultures meet, and what happens when people from a variety of cultures and ethnicities come together in one organization, community, or country
  • Challenges in multicultural communication
    • Direct versus Indirect Communication
    • Trouble with Accents and Fluency
    • Different Attitudes toward Hierarchy and Authority
    • Conflicting Norms for Decision Making
  • Direct versus Indirect Communication
    Communication style in Western cultures is direct and the meaning is seemingly obvious, while other cultures tend to be more unattached in presenting messages
  • Direct versus Indirect Communication
    • A nod does not necessarily mean mutual agreement, rather, just an acknowledgement
  • Trouble with Accents and Fluency
    Language barrier among people with different accent and fluency can cause frustration, interpersonal conflict, disengagement, and lack of motivation
  • Different Attitudes toward Hierarchy and Authority
    In some cultures, some people are treated differently based on social status, rank within the organization, or social acceptance
  • Political Correctness.
    The term used to describe language, policies, or measures that may offend or disadvantageously discriminate members of groups in society
  • Conflicting Norms for Decision Making
    Individual cultures have different ways of reaching an agreement and coming to decision, and differ on how long the decision-making process takes place
  • Global Community
    The people or nations of the world, considered as being closely connected by modern telecommunications and as being economically, socially, and politically interdependent
  • Cultural Awareness
    The knowledge that there are multiple different cultures based on religion, ethnicity, nationality, and other factors that have different attitudes and outlooks
  • Cultural Sensitivity
    The acceptance of the differences without insisting your own culture is better or that everyone should do it your way
  • Gender Sensitivity
    The aim of understanding and taking account of the societal and cultural factors involved in gender-based exclusion and discrimination in the most diverse circle of public and private life
  • Gender-Sensitive Language
    The realization of gender equality in written and spoken language attained when women and men and those who do not conform to the binary gender system are made visible and addressed in language as persons of equal value, dignity, integrity, and respect
  • Process of communication
    1. Transmission or passage of information or message from the sender through a selected channel to the receiver overcoming barriers that affect its development or movement
    2. Cyclical, begins with sender and ends with sender in the form of feedback
    3. Happens upward, downward, and laterally in all groups, organizations, or in a community
  • Components of communication process
    • Encoding
    • Medium of transmission
    • Decoding
    • Feedback
  • Factors in communication process
    • Sender (communicator)
    • Receiver (listener/interpretation/end user)
  • Barriers of effective communication
    • Linguistic/Semantic
    • Socio-Cultural
    • Psychological
    • Physical
  • Linguistic/Semantic barriers
    Language barriers, unfamiliar vocabulary or words, speaker is too fast, inability to predict, guess, or interpret the meaning from the context
  • Socio-Cultural barriers
    Different cultural background (accent/pronunciation) and unfamiliar subject
  • Psychological barriers
    Forming opinions and drawing conclusions, lack of interest in the topic, inability to pay attention, and prejudices which is refusing to listen as it is against the person's ideas or belief
  • Physical barriers
    Hearing or visual impairments, noisy surroundings, and physical distance
  • Communication methods
    • Written memorandum
    • Electronic mails (e-mails)
    • Press briefings
    • Official websites
    • Hotlines
    • Press Relation Officer (PRO)
    • Memoranda
    • Brainstorming
    • Focused Group Discussions (FGD)
    • Teambuilding
    • Organization Development (OD)
    • Researched interviews
    • Validated surveys
    • Lobby policy advocacies
    • Lectures
    • Seminars
    • Trainings
    • Recitations
    • Case studies
    • Research
    • Reports
    • Presentations
    • Television or radio broadcast
    • Printed or electronic media
    • Memorandum circulars
    • Surveys
    • Campaign materials
    • Community bulletins
  • Communication tools
    • Mass media
    • New media
    • Telecommunications
  • Mass media
    Radio broadcasts, television broadcasts, video or sound recordings, motion picture or films, and the internet which uses the wireless fidelity (Wi-Fi) network
  • New media
    Weblogs or blogs, video logs or vlogs, social media websites like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, and other SocMed (social media) sites
  • Telecommunications
    Telephones, mobile phones, smartphones, tablets, laptops, desktop computers, and other electronic gadgets