Swash- the term that describes a wave moving up the beach as it breaks.
Erosion- the process for material being taken away from the beach by waves.
The prevailing winds determine the direction of swash
Slope of the beach and gravity determines the direction of backwash.
Long-shore drift follows a zig-zag pattern
A spit is a part of land that is formed due to longshore drift.
Spits form along the coast.
The direction of the zig-zag pattern determines the direction that spits grow in.
Longshore drift, which is a physical process caused by waves, changes the coastline as it erodes the rock face. Then it carries it down and deposits it further on down the beach.
Air condenses as it rises and cools.
Weather is the day-to-day conditions of the atmosphere, including temperature, humidity, wind, precipitation, and cloud cover. Whereas, climate is the change in conditions over a longer period of time.
Renewable energy- energy that does not have a limit in terms of when it’s used and its source.
Microclimate- a climate that is specific for one place. It could also be the climate of a small area.
Primary data is a type of data that is collected by researchers or yourself.
Secondary data is data which is collected by someone else and is already in a form that can be used.
An anomaly is a result that is different to the normalised pattern.
Altitudes affect climate because locations at a higher altitude have colder temperatures.
Coastal locations tend to be warmer in the winter and cooler in the summer.
The ocean tends to heat and cool slower than land.
The earth spins on its own, whilst circling the Earth, which means that the equator moves, which then means that we get seasons which are changes in climate.
The suns rays are stronger at the equator because of the earths tilt.
Low pressure is a sign of unsettled weather. The lower the pressure the stormier the weather will be. High pressure brings clear skies, which means very hot weather in summer and very cold weather in winter.
Biome- a biome is a very large area with similar climate, plants and animals. Deserts are a type of biome (high pressure would be found here).
Communism- A system of government in which the means of production are owned and controlled by the state
Collectivisation- The government forced farmers to join collective farms, which were run by the government.
Overpopulation- The population of a country is too large for the resources available to support it.
Reform- making improvement to something in order to improve it.
Purge- remove a group of undesirable people in an abrupt or violent way.
Autocratic- A leader who makes all the decisions and does not delegate authority.
The Three Georges Deam produces enough power to power 5.5 million homes
The Chinese Government had to relocate 1.4 million people
The Three Gorges Dam project was ultimately unsustainable because of the overall scale and size
The dam is starting to silt up from the amount of waste building up behind it
The Yangtze river dolphin was driven to extinction due to the dam
Fishing has increased due to the dam
After the Great Leap Forward, China started the Cultural Revolution.
China’s One Child Policy was introduced in 1979 and ended in 2015. It was a policy that encouraged couples to have only one child. This was due to the belief that the country would run out of resources and that the country would be overpopulated.
The One Child Policy was successful in some ways because it reduced the population growth rate, but it also resulted in a large number of orphans. It also resulted in a large number of women who were unable to marry. It also decreased poverty, but highly influenced the Western World’s opinions on the country.
In 2016, the Chinese government announced that they will allow all married couples to have two children instead of just one.
China is now facing an ageing population as there are more people aged 65+ than under 14 years old.