week 4

Cards (42)

  • Genetics
    The study of inheritance
  • Genome
    The sum of ALL genetic material in a cell or virus - the entire sequence of DNA
  • Prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells use DNA as their genetic material
  • Viruses use either DNA or RNA as their genetic material
  • DNA structure
    A polymer of deoxyribonucleotides: a phosphate group, a sugar (deoxyribose) and a nitrogen-containing base
  • Purines
    Adenine (A), guanine (G)
  • Pyrimidines
    Cytosine (C), thymine (T)
  • DNA consists of 2 nucleotide chains held together by hydrogen bonds
  • The 2 chains are antiparallel
  • The chains form a double helix
  • Eukaryotic genomes
    • Larger
    • More regulatory sequences
    • Much noncoding DNA
    • Multiple chromosomes
    • Translation and transcription physically separated allowing many points of regulation before translation begins
  • Eukaryotic DNA
    Organised into linear chromosomes of DNA associated with proteins, located in the nucleus, wound around histones into nucleosomes that further compact to form chromatin fibres
  • Prokaryotic genome
    Consists of a single circular chromosome of DNA, localised in the cytoplasmic nucleoid, may have extrachromosomal DNA - plasmids
  • Bacterial chromosome is ~400 times longer than a bacterial cell, so it must be compacted and stabilized by proteins into loop domains
  • Plasmids
    Small, double stranded, circular DNA molecules, fraction of the size of the bacterial chromosome, replicate independently of the chromosome, encode genes for self replication, conjugation, and accessory genes
  • Binary fission
    Rapid bacterial reproduction, daughter cells identical to mother cell except for mutations, plasmids may not be evenly distributed
  • DNA replication
    Double helix unwound, new DNA synthesis occurs in 5'-3' direction, new nucleotides added to 3' end, sequence determined by complementary base pairing
  • Replication fork
    Where DNA replication occurs, with leading and lagging strands
  • Okazaki fragments
    Discontinuous DNA fragments produced on the lagging strand during replication
  • Proteins involved in DNA replication
    • DNA polymerase III, primase, helicase, topoisomerase, DNA gyrase, DNA binding proteins, DNA ligase
  • Rolling circle replication
    Plasmid replication independent of chromosomal replication
  • Plasmids
    • Naturally occurring plasmid of E. coli pS88
  • Plasmids are single stranded circular molecules of DNA
  • Genotype
    Genetic composition - the DNA sequence
  • Phenotype
    Observable trait - physical appearance, biochemical, behavioural
  • Not all genes are expressed all of the time
  • Central dogma of molecular biology
    DNA(DNA replication) <--> RNA (transcription) -> Protein (translation)
  • Gene
    DNA sequence that codes for a protein, polypeptide, tRNA or rRNA, containing a promoter, coding region, and terminator, may also include a leader and trailer
  • Transcription
    DNA to RNA, has 3 stages: initiation, elongation, termination
  • Initiation of transcription
    Requires a promoter sequence recognized by RNA polymerase, binding to the promoter which determines template strand, start site, and direction
  • Elongation of transcription
    RNA polymerase unwinds DNA and synthesizes RNA using A, G, U and C
  • Termination of transcription
    A special DNA sequence signals RNA polymerase to stop transcribing
  • Genetic code

    Specifies which amino acids will be used to build a protein, with codons of 3 bases each
  • Start codons
    AUG, GUG, UUG, AUU - initiation signal for translation
  • Stop codons
    UAA, UAG, UGA - stop translation and release polypeptide
  • Reading frame
    The DNA "template" strand goes 3' to 5', mRNA is complementary and goes 5' to 3'
  • Ribosome
    Translates mRNA into protein, has 30S and 50S subunits in prokaryotes
  • Initiation of translation
    Amino acids attached to tRNA bind to A site, peptide bond formed, ribosome moves to next codon
  • Elongation of translation
    Amino acids added one by one to growing polypeptide chain
  • Termination of translation
    Ribosome reaches stop codon, release factors aid ribosome dissociation from mRNA