
Cards (35)

  • Information Technology
    The management and processing of information, generally with the assistance of computers
  • Medical records

    • Shift from paper-based to computer-based
  • Health Care Information System
    A group of systems used within a healthcare organization to support and enhance health care
  • Major Types of Health Care Information Systems
    • Clinical Information System (CIS)
    • Administrative Information Systems
  • Health Care Information Systems
    • Operate to make the entry and communication of data and information more efficient
  • Nursing Informatics
    A specialty that integrates nursing science, computer science, and information science to manage and communicate data, information, and knowledge in nursing practice
  • Effective Nursing Information System
    • Supports the way that nurses function and work by providing them the flexibility to use the system to view data and collect information, provide patient care, and document a patient's condition and care provided
    • Supports and enhances nursing practice through improved access to information and clinical decision-making tools
  • Electronic Health Record (EHR)

    Electronic record of patient health information generated whenever a patient access medical care in any health care delivery setting
  • Electronic Medical Record (EMR)

    Contains patient data gathered in a health care setting at a specific time and place and is part of EHR
  • EHR
    • Provides access to a patient's health record information at the time and place that clinicians need it
    • Ability to integrate all pertinent patient information into one record, regardless of the number of times a patient enters a health care system
  • Health
    A multidimensional concept and is viewed from a broader perspective, a "state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being, not merely the absence of disease or infirmity" (WHO, 1947)
  • Health
    A dynamic state in which individuals adapt to their internal and external environments so there is a state of physical, emotional, intellectual, social and spiritual well-being
  • Each person has a personal concept of health, personality, and lifestyle
  • Individuals' views of health vary among different age-groups, genders, races, and cultures
  • Wellness
    A dynamic state of health in which an individual progresses towards higher level of functioning, achieving an optimum balance between internal and external environment
  • Well-being
    Subjective perception of vitality and feeling that can described, experienced and measured
  • Health belief
    Personal belief about levels of wellness that can motivate or impede participation in changing risk factors, participating in care and selecting care options
  • Nurses' and client's views of health may differ
  • Factors Affecting Health
    • Environmental
    • Social
    • Emotional
    • Physical
    • Spiritual
    • Intellectual
    • Occupational
  • Environmental Factors
    • Ability to promote health measures that improve the standard of living & quality of life
    • Influences such as food, water and air
  • Social Factors
    • Ability to interact successfully with people and within the environment
    • Develop and maintain intimacy
    • Develop respect & tolerance for those with different opinions/beliefs
  • Emotional Factors
    • Ability to manage stress & express emotions appropriately
    • Ability to recognize, accept & express feelings
    • Accept one's limitations
  • Physical Factors
    • Ability to carry-out daily tasks, achieve fitness, maintain right nutrition & proper body fat
    • Avoid abusing drugs, alcohol and using tobacco products
  • Spiritual Factors
    • Belief in some force that serves to unite human beings
    • Provide meaning and purpose in life
    • Include own morals, values and ethics
  • Intellectual Factors
    • Ability to learn and use information effectively
    • Strive for continued growth and learning
  • Occupational Factors
    • Ability to achieve balance between work and leisure
  • Models of Health and Wellness
    • Clinical model
    • Role performance model
    • Adaptive model
    • Eudaimonistic model
    • Agent-host-environment model
    • Health-illness continua
    • Dunn's high-level wellness grid
    • Illness-wellness continuum
  • Health promotion
    A process of helping people improve their health to reach optimal state of physical, mental and social well-being
  • Health promotion, Wellness & Illness prevention
    • Immunization programs
    • Routine Exercise
    • Physical awareness, stress management, self-responsibility
  • Health Belief Models
    Developed to help determine whether an individual is likely to participate in health promotion and disease prevention activities
  • Different Health Belief Models

    • Health locus of control model
    • Rosenstock & Becker's Health Belief Model
    • Health promotion model
    • Maslow's hierarchy of needs
    • Holistic health model
  • Illness
    • Abnormal process in which any aspects of a person's functioning is diminished or impaired compared with his/her previous condition
    • The personal, intrapersonal and cultural reaction to disease
  • General Classifications of Illness
    • Acute Illness
    • Chronic Illness
  • Acute Illness
    • Usually reversible, has a short duration, and is often severe
    • Symptoms appear abruptly, are intense, and often subside after a relatively short period
    • May affect functioning in any dimension
  • Chronic Illness
    • Persists, usually longer than 6 months
    • Irreversible, and affects functioning in one or more systems