Science the digestive system

Cards (14)

  • Digestive System
    A group of organs that can break down and absorb food to make energy
  • Nutrition
    1. Ingestion
    2. Digestion
    3. Absorption
    4. Assimilation
    5. Egestion
  • Digestive System
    • Works together so our bodies can break down and absorb food
  • Animals consume food which is digested and absorbed by the digestive system
  • Ingestion
    Food is taken by the mouth
  • Digestion
    Ingested food is broken down into smaller particles
  • Absorption
    Digested food particles are absorbed into the bloodstream and transported to cells, tissues and organs
  • Assimilation
    Food is used by cells, tissues and organs for energy, growth and repair
  • Egestion
    Unabsorbed food is passed from the body
  • Physical Digestion

    Breaking down food using physical methods (no chemical change)
  • Chemical Digestion
    Breaking down food using chemical reactions (enzymes)
  • Enzyme
    A biological catalyst that speeds up a chemical reaction without being used up itself
  • Enzyme action
    • In the mouth, amylase breaks down starch into maltose
    • In the small intestine, maltase breaks down maltose into glucose
  • Teeth
    • Incisors - sharp for cutting
    • Canines - pointed for tearing
    • Premolars - flat and ridged for grinding
    • Molars - larger and flatter than premolars, for grinding and chewing