The family home is where the values and beliefs of Judaism are learnt / taught.
Jews pray Shema twice a day.
Jews have mezuzahson their doors to remind them of the Torah - for many Jews it symbolises God’s protection of the house. God watches over wherever they go.
MEZUZZAH - Small parchment scroll containing verses from Torah
When waking up, Jews will give thanks God by saying the modeh ani while still in bed. (‘I offer thanks before you living and eternal king, for you for you have mercifully restored my soul within me. Your faithfulness is great.’ )
Shema is recited 3x a day (during prayer AND throughout day)
a parchment scroll which is placed inside a case on the front door post of their house and each of the door posts inside, apart from the bathroom.
On scroll = Shema
Weekly festival celebrated Friday sunset > Saturday sunset
"keeping of Shabbat obeys the mitzvoth contained in the Torah." Exodus 20:8
"The Sabbath to remember and keep it holy."
Shabbat = celebration of creation.
Showing it's holy through worship in the home and synagogue.