1. Before meiosis begins, all the chromosomes are duplicated
2. At the beginning of meiosis, each of the 46 chromosomes consists of 2 chromatids connected by a centromere
3. The chromosomes align as pairs in a process called synapsis
4. Genetic material is exchanged on occasion, when a part of a chromatid of 1 chromosome breaks off and is exchanged with part of another chromatid from the other chromosome, in a process termed, crossing over
5. Meiosis I produces 2 cells, each having 23 chromosomes composed of 2 chromatids joined at a centromere
6. During Meiosis II, each of the 2 cells divide into 2 cells and the centromere breaks, giving separate chromosomes
7. The final result from meiosis are four cells, each having 23 chromosomes