Dark matter, dark energy

Cards (11)

  • Galaxy clusters-
    • Contain up to thousands of galaxies and are dominated by red and dead elliptical galaxies.
  • Maps of galaxy positions reveal extremely large structures; superclusters and voids.
  • How does structures form?
    through gravity
  • Dark matter: form of matter that emits no light but we concluded its existence from its gravitational influence.
  • Dark Energy: energy/ only source of repulsive force that is pushing the universe apart.
  • dark matter is 23% of the universe
  • dark energy is 73% of our universe.
  • What is the evidence of dark matter in galaxies?
    flat rotation curves in spiral galaxies.
  • We can measure the velocity of galaxies ina a cluster from their doppler shifts.
  • Clusters contain large amounts of x-ray emitting hot gas.
  • Gravitational lensing: the bending of light rays by gravity; tells us the cluster's mass.