Cards (6)

  • Sectional Anatomy of the Heart
    A) right atrium
    B) left atrium
    C) superior vena cava
    D) Ascending aorta
    E) pulmonary valve
    F) conus arteriosis
    G) Aortic valve
    H) Tricuspid valve
    I) papillary muscle
    J) inferior vena cava
    K) arch of aorta
    L) pulmonary trunk
    M) interatrial spetum
    N) left pulmonary veins
    O) left pulmonary artery
    P) mitral valve
    Q) chordae tendineae
    R) Trabeculae carnae
    S) interventricular septum
  • Aorta: (a strap to hang something by) the main artery of the body, supplying oxygenated blood to the circulatory system. In humans it passes over the heart from the left ventricle and runs down in front of the backbone.
  • vena
  • cava (from cavus)

  • Atrium: central court or first main room of an ancient Roman house
    find the atriums
    A) Right atrium
    B) left atrium
  • Ventricle
    Little belly, diminutive of venter (genitive ventris) belly
    also ventral - bellyside