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  • Ethics is more about defending our decision based upon some ethical principles, rather than arriving at just a final decision
  • Morality
    What's good? What makes something right? What we ought to do?
  • Ethics
    A system or set of beliefs people embrace to identify what is good and bad. We don't question the validity of these beliefs (e.g. truth is preferable over falsehood).
  • Law
    What are we required to do?
  • Ethics is an effort to reason our way through a dilemma, a deliberation to justify doing or not doing something when our values and belief system clash
  • Twin Goals of Ethics
    • Normative (What we ought to do?)
    • Epistemic completeness (Why we should do it?)
  • Ethics
    • It's about the journey, not the destination
    • Trust your gut but use your brain
    • The art of uneasy compromise
  • Importance of Studying Ethics
    • Stimulating moral imagination
    • Recognizing ethical issues
    • Developing analytical skills
    • Eliciting a sense of moral obligation and personal responsibility
    • Tolerating disagreements
  • There are two schools of thought on the importance of studying ethics: Cynical View and Optimistic View
  • The study of ethics should result in at least morally defensible decisions even if those decisions prove to be unpopular, and there are not always right or wrong answers, but there should always be "well-reasoned" ones