A source of potential harm or situation with a potential to cause loss
Hazards are those elements of the physical environment, harmful to man and caused by forces extraneous to him
Types of hazards
Natural hazards
Quasi-natural hazards
Technological hazards
Natural hazards
Quasi-natural hazards
Technological hazards
Chemical spills or leaks
Modes of hazard
Dormant hazard
The situation presents a potential hazard, but no people, property, or environment are currently affected
Armed hazard
People, property or environment with potential to harm
Active hazard
A harmful incident involving the hazard has actuallyoccurred. Often this is referred to as an accident, emergency, incident or disaster instead of active hazard
Other types of hazards include safety hazards
Office hazards
Paper cutter blade up
Coffee without lid
File drawer left open
Computer monitor is too high
Space heater near flammable material
Improper chair
Cords running on floor
Warehouse hazards
Clothing caught in machinery
Improper PPE
Improper lifting technique
Flammable liquid leaking
Pulling box from middle of pallet
Exposed wires
Home hazards
Faucet running
Spilled liquid on floor
Knife on cutting board
Raw meat on counter
Pan handle facing out
Mitt too close to flame
Oven door open
Overloaded outlet
Blocked walkway
Physical impacts
Death of people
Destruction and loss of vital infrastructure like transport system, roads, bridges, power lines, and communication lines
Widespread loss of housing
Grief and psychological trauma - PTSD
Marital conflicts
Depression due to loss of loved ones and properties
Chronic anxiety
Socio-cultural impacts
Displacement of population
Loss of cultural identity
Forced adoption of new sets of culture
Ethnic conflicts
Economic impacts
Loss of job due to displacement
Loss of harvest and livestock
Loss of farms, fish cages and other sources of living
Loss of money and other valuables
Environmental impacts
Loss of forests due to forest fires
Loss of fresh water due to salination
Disturbance of biodiversity
Loss of natural rivers and other tributaries
Biological impacts
Epidemic to people, flora and fauna
Chronic and permanent illnesses due to nuclear radiation
Mental disorder developed from consumption of contaminated foods
Proliferation of different viral and bacterial diseases