loftus and palmer

Cards (13)

  • opportunity sampling
    using independent measures
    lab location
    IV = verb used
    DV = speed estimate or whether they saw broken glass
  • experiment 1
    1. shown 7 films of traffic accidents
    2. asked to give account and answer questions eg ' how fast were they going when the cars;
    • smashed - hit - collided - bumped - contacted
  • experiment 2
    • 150 students
    • 1 clip of multi car crash
    • asked if smashed - hit - no question
    • after 1 week asked if they has seen broken glass
  • findings and conclusions of experiment 1
    • verb = mean estimate of speed (mph)
    • smashed = 40.8
    • collided = 39.3
    • bumped = 38.1
    • hit = 34
    • contacted = 31.8
    two possible results = response bias (misleads) or actual changes in memory
  • findings and conclusions of experiment 2
    16 said yes in smashed vs 6 in hit
    shows questions altered memory so not response bias = leading questions = key words combine and change original memory
  • replicable study = lab location and standardised procedures = can repeat to check for consistency = increases external reliability
  • high control = lab location = controlled = same crashes shown = cause and effect more easily established = increases internal validity
  • sample bias = only students = may be less experienced drivers = worse guessers = low population and external validity = not generalisable
  • supporting evidence = 7% saw 'a' broken headlight vs 17% 'the' broken headlight = supports idea that leading questions can alter memory
  • ethical = cars traveling at moderate speeds vs real crash = reduce risk of harm as protected from stress and anxiety
  • lack valid consent = true aim not revealed = invalid consent = deception = unethical
  • social implication in court = greene = mock jury aware of mistakes = more skeptical = damaging as could be correct key evidence
  • social implication for justice = avoid leading questions using cognitive interviews = more trust and accuracy