- One key limitation of CBT is that it requires motivation to attend weekly sessions and engage with the therapist
- Many people with depression suffer with low energy levels and so lack the motivation which makes it difficult for them to access the therapy in the first place
- Even if they do turn up to the therapy, the tasks set such as 'patient as scientist' and keeping a diary requires effort which most depressives won't have
- Drug therapies alternatively require lesswork and may work more effectively for some people
- Therefore, this is a key limitation of CBT in treating depression
- Furthermore, research from Rosenweig [1936] argued the difference between methods of treating psychopathy (systematic desensitisation, CBT) is actually quite small
- All psychotherapies share one key characteristic: the patient-therapist relationship
- It could be the quality of this relationship which determines the success of the treatment, rather than any techniques used
- If patients have a good therapist relationship, they are more likely to be willing to open up and fully access the therapy
- Therefore, this again limits the utility of CBT in treating depression
- action-orientated psychotherapy that teaches individuals to identify, challenge and replace their irrational thoughts and beliefs with healthier thoughts that promote emotional well-being and goal achievement
many people with depression suffer from lowered self-esteem. arguing and telling them the way they think is incorrect will likely lower their self-esteem even further
- clients identify their own unhelpfulbeliefs and then proves them wrong. as a result, their beliefs begin to change.
- e.g., someone who is anxious in social situations may be set a homework assignment to meet a friend at the pub for a drink
- aim: to identifynegative thoughts about the self, the world and the future (the negativetriad). these thoughts must be challenged by the client taking an activerole in their treatment
- the 'client as a scientist': clients are encouraging to challenge the reality of their irrational beliefs. they may be set homework, e.g., journal when they enjoyed an event. this is referred to the 'client as a scientist'
- in future sessions if client says that no one is nice to them, the therapist can produce this evidence to prove the client's belief are incorrect
- a large body of evidence suggests that, uses appropriately, CBT is highlyeffective, at least in the short term, in tackling symptoms of depression
- however, some clients prefer to take medications or explore the past, some rate CBT as least preferred therapy
- this suggests that people, even those who are depressed, should have the right to chose their therapy even if it may not be the one with the best evidence of effectiveness