Cards (8)

  • Commonly found as zooplankton in both freshwater and marine ecosystems
  • Characterized by the presence of a median nauplius eye
  • THe body is divided to an anterior metastome and posterior urosome
  • There are three types: cyclopoid, calanoid, or harpacticoid
  • The females are commonly parthenogenetic
  • Cyclops
    A) Egg sac
    B) Ramus of tail
    C) Cephalothorax
    D) Eye
    E) Eye
    F) Antennule
    G) Telson
  • Phylum: Arthropoda
    Subphylum: Mandibulata
    Superclass: Crustacea
    Class: Copepoda
    Order: Cyclopoida
    Family: Cyclopidae
    Genus: Cyclops
    Common name: water fleas
  • Cyclops general anatomy
    A) eye
    B) antennae 1
    C) thorax
    D) Abdomen
    E) Caudal ramus