0.1% - actual growth (because of how poor potential growth is)
GDP / capita
Total GDP
≈ £2.53 trillion
Services79%, Manufacturing14%
Construction6%, Agriculture1%
Unemployment Rate
4.2% - rising figure, in recession (cyclical unemployment)
Employment Rate
74.5% - lower than it was pre covid
The most recent Labour Force Survey conducted by the Office for National Statistics only had 15,000 participants usually there are 100,000 participants therefore the results are less trustworthy - many economists believe the unemployment rate to be much higher.
Economic inactivity rate - people of a working age not willing, physically able and not seeking work
22.2% - gone up, rise in long term illness (makes the labour force tighter)
Wage Growth
5.6% - due to rising inactivity, those in work have got significant wage bargaining power
Job vacancies
falling (loose labour market)
Youth unemployment
11% - between 16-24 (figure has reduced al lot from Covid peaks)
Consumer confidence
very weak - cost of living, house price, worries about job security
Inflation Rate (CPI)
3.2 % - on it's way down (disinflation), from peaking at 11.1 % in Oct 2022, caused by supply side factors (food, electricity, fuel)
Core Inflation Rate (CPI - without food, electricity, fuel, gas)
4.2% - underlying rate of inflation
Current account deficit
3.2% GDP
Productivity and investment
very poor - not very competitive, low business investment, high cost of production
Minimum wage
£11.44 / hr
Exchange Rate
Weak £1 = $1.24 and £1 = €1.16
Budget deficit
4.2 % GDP (2023 - 2024)
National debt
98% GDP
Bond Yields
4.2 %
Income tax bands- fiscal drag
Progressive income tax system - frozen to 2029
National Insurance
Cut - 12% to 10% to 8%
Corporation tax
Gini coefficient
BoE Base Rate
Average Lending Rate
Bank willingness to lend
Business confidence
poor but positive signs
Savings Ratio
£895 bn - more than half during Covid
The global adult population 5.1 billion
The poorest half of the world's population have just 8% of global income
The richest 10% have 52% of global income
62% of those in poverty have at least one family member in work
Over 14.5 million people in the UK are in relative poverty after housing costs
If you add up marginal utility for each unit you get total utility