Jesus - the Latin spelling derived from the Hebrew Yeshua. It means Yahweh is salvation.
Rabbi - Jesus was addressed as this name because the people acknowledge Him as a teacher.
Lord - means master, a ruler, or a person in authority.
Messiah - means the anointed one.
Christ - also means anointed. The use of this title became common after the death of our Lord.
Redeemer - a Savior ... Jesus is called Savior. Jesus came to the world as man and God to redeem or save sinners.
SonofMan - Jesus sometimes referred to Himself as the Son of Man.
SonofGod - when Jesus baptized, a voice from heaven was heard to say, "You are my beloved Son."
StoNino - meaning Holy Child.
Nazarene - refer to a native of Nazareth.
BreadofLife - name given to the Eucharistic Christ, the sacrament of the body and blood of Christ under the appearance of bread.
SonofGod - When Jesus was baptized, a voice from heaven was heard to say, You are My beloved Son. This title expressed the relationship of Jesus to God His Father.
SonofDavid - the name in Hebrew means beloved. The prophet Nathan, has foretold that the Messiah would come from the line of David, the second and the. greatest king of the Israelites.
LambofGod - in Jewish rites, especially at the Passover, a lamb was often sacrificed.