DEMOCRITUS - Greek philosopher, 400 B.C. theorized all matter is made of indivisible and invisible particles "atoms"
Magnesia - West Turkey, discovered "lodestones" used for navigation, religious and magical purposes
Hans Christian Oersted - 1819, discovered electricity produces magnetism
Michael Faraday - 1831, discovered electricity
JEAN-BAPTISTE-JOSEPH FOURIER - made the heart of MRI mathematics "the Fourier Transform"
Sir James Clerk Maxwell of Scotland - 1860, discovered magnetic lines of force could be mathematically expressed
Heinrich Hertz of Germany - 1868, discovered invisible electromagnetic waves exist with varying wave frequencies
Nikola Tesla - Discovered Rotating Magnetic Field
Isidor Isaac Rabi - first described and measured nuclear magnetic resonance in molecular beams
Felix Bloch and Edward Purcell - developed new ways and methods for nuclear magnetic precision measurements
Dr. Raymond Damadian - physician/physicist, performed 1st MRI whole body transaxial proton density weighted slice image in 1977
Dr. Paul Lauterbur - designed the gradient coils and developed a way to generate the first MRI images, in 2D and 3D, using gradients
Peter Mansfield from the University of Nottingham - developed a mathematical technique that would allow scans to take seconds rather than hours and produce clearer images