- whether people conformed to new social roles
- 21 male uni student volunteers were allocated into 2 groups: guards and prisoners. Prisoners were arrested at their homes then they were stripped, deloused, given uniforms and numbers. They were meant to stay in their cells for 23 hrs a day
-small mock cells had 3 prisoners each, they had 3 meals, 3 supervised toilet visits
- guards wore sunglasses and uniforms and were told to run prison but not harm prisoners
Zimbardo was superintendent
- Guards started to assert authority by having prisoners do push ups and some stand on them which was used in Nazi concentration camps Prisoners adopted their roles as prisoner 8612 developed acute emotional disturbance and so he was easily raged
- 2 week study stopped at 6 days
- guards were deindividuated and so acted as a group and lost their sense of identity