Cards (3)

  • Treatments for Criminality:
    • Drugs may affect the biochemical process of a criminal to reduce aggression
    • Antabuse- used to help alcoholism in criminals, it gives an immediate hangover when alcohol is consumed
    • Stilbestrol- chemical castration used for sec offenders in prison. It is a female hormone that reduces testosterone
    • Methadone- used to react heroin addicts but offering a free legal alternative ans thus reduces crime
  • Sedatives:
    • Chemical sedatives- used by Britons to control aggressive behaviour among inmates
    • Charles Bronson has had this used countless times for his aggressive behaviour against prison guards
    • Low doses may be used routinely to control behaviours linked to ADHD
  • Diet:
    • Bernard Gesn (PhD), examines how diet and supplements may affect criminality.
    • His study found giving vitamins, minerals, and fatty acids caused “remarkable” reduction in inmates criminality
    • Vitamin B3 has been used to treat some forms of schizofrenia (sometimes linked to violence)
    • Diet Management has been used to help hyperactivity e.g. removing foods with artificial colouring tartrazine