Vocab(R and J)

Cards (25)

    1. trifling (adj) - small, unimportant
    1. saucy (adj.) - bold, impudent, insolent
    1. languish (verb) - to become less intense, to wane or abate
    1. pernicious (adj.) - having a bad effect, damaging or detrimental
    1. portentous (adj.) - ominous, threatening evil
    1. prodigious (adj.) - marvelous, miraculous, wondrous
    1. valiantly (adv.) - in a brave, courageous, or bold manner
    1. assail (verb) - to attack with violent blows, to assault verbally
    1. posterity (noun) - succeeding for future generations
    1. jest (verb) - to joke, prank
    1. impetuous (adj.) - capable of sudden action, emotion or violence, brash, impulsive
    1. judicious (adj.) - possessing sound judgment, cautious, shrewd
    1. garish (adj.) - marred by excessive ornamentation; gaudy
    1. chide (verb) - to scold, rebuke, reprimand
    1. idolatry (noun) - extreme devotion or worship of a person or thing
    1. invocation (noun) - a prayer like speech; also conjuring or calling up of spirits
    1. rancor (noun) - feelings of ill will, hatred, enmity, animosity
    1. repose (noun) - time when one can relax
    1. dissembler (noun) - one who hides himself or puts on a false appearance
    1. jocund (adj.) - cheerful, merry
    1. puling (adj.) - whining, whimpering
    1. agile (adj.) - well-balanced and quick on one’s feet, nimble
    1. discord (noun) - lack of harmony
    1. beguile (verb) - to deceive or cheat
    1. intercession (noun) - a plea on another’s behalf, a mediation