What different things should you look for when examining a lump?
Site- know your head and neck anatomy!Size- greater than 3-4cm is worryingShapeSurface- has it changed the colour/surface of skin?TemperatureTendernessMobile/fixed- does it move on swallowing?Transillumination- does the lump glow when a light is held next to it?Pause for pulsationColourMarginRelationsNodes- involvement of any lymph nodes?
What are some common conditions affecting the throat?
Dysphonia- problems with the voiceStridor- narrowing of airway causing soundSore throatsTonsils and AdenoidsDysphagia- difficulty swallowingSnoring and sleep apneoa
Neuromuscular:Old age; bulbar or pseudobulbar palsy; MND; stroke; constriction of cricopharyngeus muscle
Obstructive (in lumen, wall, outside wall)Foreign body; carcinoma of pharynx; post-cricoid carcinoma, oesophagitis; carcinoma of oesophagus; invasion by carcinoma of lung; achalasia of the cardia